India is a land of contrasts,of some very rich and many very poor people,of modernism and medievalism .....india is not a poor country.she is abundantly supplied with everything that makes a country rich,yet her people are Poor.

These words are as true today as when nehru penned them in 1944.modern india is a vast country,full of complexity and has a great natural beauty as well as urban ugliness wrought by poverty.this paradox can be understood by recognizing that india exists in several centuries at the same time. A small sophisticated modern elite of few million lives surrounded by hundreds of millions of primitive people.

india  has the largest pool of Scientist anatd technologies after the united states.since the nation achieved independence in 1947,india has made huge strides .Dramatic progress has been made in agricultural production,industrial expansion,education,health care.communication,human rights,social services, and in many other realms.Indian mathematics and scientist are recogonized the world over for their ground breaking accomplishments. india trained physicians staff fine health facilities not only in india but in many others countries.

mortality rates have fallen,while literacy rates have risen.institutions of higher learning are full of eager students.steel mills,atomic energy plants,heavy electrical facilities and many other technologically advanced industries have sprung up on indian soil.

like other developing nations ,india faces many problems.its population has grown two and half time since and economic inequities remain.urban housing is scarce of people of modest means , and for many, unemployment is major dif ficulty.

As india moves into future ,it will draw upon its rich cultural heritage to help smooth the way.for thousand of years indian culture has absorbed influences from all over the world and integrated them into an ever more all over the world and integrated them into and even more all-encompassing tradition and modern challenges will surely be met in the same inspired way.
The Kaleidoscope of india's splendid civilization will continue to shine with beauty and brilliance. 

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